Thursday, June 27, 2013

Paula Paula Paula

What a week for news it has been!  Between Snowden, Supreme Court rulings, the Zimmerman trial, and Paula Deen, it's hard to keep up!  I'm sure all the reporters who were hoping to take a week's vacation in late June have been sorely disappointed.

You know where my priority has been this week in the news cycle...but I've also found myself oddly attached to the Paula Deen story.  I would love to give all of my thoughts as to why I find it fascinating that people care that her show was cancelled (as if she is going to be in the bread line any day now - if for no other reason than she already knows how to bake her own bread...)'s an excellent article by Frank Bruni that says it so much better than I ever could.

And to make matters worse for her...Target and WalMart have now dropped Paula.  Yes - WalMart.  When WalMart (a bastion of the South) says we don't want you 'round these parts  - maybe it's time to take a look at yourself a little closer.

Just sayin'...

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Yes - We Won!

Caden began the day with "did we win?".  He knew his two Dad's were in the kitchen glued to the computer and television.  I know he doesn't completely understand what had us on the edge of our seats - but I do know that he was on our side and anxious to hear an answer.  Yes Caden...we won!

It's not a complete victory, but it's one that has us headed in the right direction.  The federal government  must finally acknowledge that families like mine are real and we're not going away - and we deserve Equality.  Nothing more and nothing less.  That's all this is about really.  It's just the chance to live amongst the same set of rules and responsibilities that apply to all other families in our country.

A day like this can pass for many people with nothing more than a simple nod of acknowledgement or maybe not even noticing the news.  For many others though it provided a chance to celebrate and unfortunately, a chance for some to bring out the same old arguments.  I still don't understand the anti-equality side.  Oh - I get that they don't like it and that most of their arguments are based in fear and ignorance, but from a legal stand point I've never been able to figure out why they think they have a dog in this fight.  And today, the Supreme Court basically said the same thing.  In so many words, they were told that they aren't being harmed by same-sex marriage and thus they can't keep it from happening (as it relates to the Prop 8 case).

I have never understood their tired old argument about "every child deserves a mother and father". Huh?  How is that relatable to the issue of same-sex marriage today?  Aren't they aware that same-sex couples are able to be full joint parents today!  (Not in every State though.)  And I'm not just talking about pretending to be parents...I mean full legal parental rights.  I'm part of one of those...and we aren't even MARRIED!

The heartening thing about today is that although those nay-sayers voices were still heard...they were drowned out by us victors.  I have a feeling those lesser voices will soon become smaller and smaller (based on the indications of people in my own family) and although they will always be present, will be considered a sad fringe element in the near future.  (and we always like to have sad fringe elements around to help with blog posts.)

Our day began in the kitchen and pretty much wound down in the kitchen.  This time it was with balloons and champagne for the adults in the family and a root beer for the seven year old boy before heading out for pizza and ice-cream.

We party hard around here!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

It's happening....right before our eyes

Marriage Equality that is...

I can't even say "slowly but surely" anymore.  The last few weeks have shown progress that was unheard of just two years ago.  Yes - it's happening in State legislatures and quickly being signed by those states Governors.  I expect more states to follow suit in the next few weeks.

Do you notice what is happening once the Governors sign their new legislation?  Of course, you can't help but hear the the whoops and hollers from the supporters and the boos from the typical naysayers, but do you notice anything else?.  I'm talking about the "nothing" that results from this change in policy.  No earthquakes, no falling sky, and no heterosexual marriages falling apart at the seams (oh - those are still happening, but that's nothing new).  

It's just a bunch of new people being able to finally take part in the rights and responsibilities of marriage.  Period.

They are panicking (new subject now).   The Republican Party that is...

They know they have no one who can win a national election and have to resort to fabricating a controversy to tear Hillary Clinton down.  I'm not even sure Hillary is the best candidate for the job at this time - but the Republican hierarchy must think she is or they wouldn't be going into hysterics to bring her down so early in the 2016 Sweepstakes.

When the Republican party can show that they are interested in governing as a truly fiscally responsible party (as in paying for wars they start) along with having the ability to recognize my family as an equal member of society, I'll give them a look.  Until then, they're just continuing to be a hypocritical and dying organization. 

Seque (pronounced "segway")...I tried to think of an appropriate one - but I couldn't...

Remember when watching American Idol was something that everyone did on Wednesday and Thursday nights?  Don't know you used to watch it.  Anyway...we haven't watched it for years here, but have found it for the final week the last few years.  My point to all of this is...that Candice girl...Wow!

That's all my rambling for the night...

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Facebook Not

Is it weird to write an anti-Facebook post and then post it on Facebook?  Probably so.

Why oh why do people feel the need to report where, when, and why they go through their daily lives. And I'm the one who writes drivel?  I don't need to know what you are doing this evening or what you are making for dinner or what things you are pleased or displeased with.  For Pete's sake - put all of that stuff in a blog.  (although I think Facebook is supposed to be a replacement for blogs - but I'm now in my 50's and supposed to mock anything newer that comes along.)

I'm also not interested in your kids daily lives - although I am guilty of posting a few pics now and then of mine - but if I get to determine the appropriate amount - I must be doing it appropriately (or something like that).

By the way - we're going to eat Thai food tonight.  I won't take pics of the food.  That would be too "Facebookey"!

and you wonder why I call this "drivel"?

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Parent-Teacher Conference

Before I begin what I really want to tell you about, let me make a comment.  It's been brought to my attention that some of my writing does not always represent the finest in grammar and punctuation.  Too bad...that's why I sometimes refer to it as "drivel".  I'm just typing thoughts as fast as they come.  In other words, I don't do an outline prior to putting words to page.

It might get a little sappy here in a've been warned.

Today was parent-teacher conference day at school.  I should clarify and say that it is really student-teacher-parent conference.  From first grade on, the students lead the conferences.  And I truly do mean lead.  It began with Caden thanking us for coming to the conference.  He then went through page after page of things he considers strengths and areas where he feels he has room for improvement.  A lot of self-assessment was quite evident.  When he mentioned that he enjoys "text-to-self connections" in reading, I knew we were at a different type of school.  We had to sit there quietly and refrain from shouting "Oh My God - what are you talking about?"  You probably know that "refraining" is not one of my strengths.  After we got over the bewilderment of watching our 7 year old son present a thoughtful and organized assessment of his academic side, we then had to hold back the tears that come when you realize  the word "proud" just isn't strong enough to convey what you feel at that moment.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Back again...

Whatever happened to the original idea of writing everyday in this here bloggy thing?  Maybe one day it will begin appearing on a more regular schedule - but for now here's some more musings (or as some of you might call it - "drivel").

Any correlation to the fact that Obama's administration filed a brief with the US Supreme Court supporting same-sex marriage on the same day as the Pope officially stepped down as President of the World Corporation of the Catholic Church? (for my Catholic friends here...before you read further...please note that I will be critical of the CEO of the "corporation"...not your personal religious belief or faith - unless you believe in the same things I will be attributing to the Pope)

I honestly don't think Obama planned it this way - but I did like the timing.  This particular CEO of the Catholic corporation has said some disgusting things over the years about me and my family.  "Intrinsically disordered" comes to mind first and he has also thrown in the word "evil".  I'll at least admit that he did change the "intrinsically disordered" comment to "somewhat intrinsically disordered". Although, can you truly be "somewhat intrinsically disordered"?  Isn't it an all or nothing condition?  He also has stated publicly to his legions of listeners that same-sex marriage will destroy the very essence of the human creature and is a "threat to world peace."  Really?  I could possibly have that much power if Kevin and I get access to each other's Social Security benefits (which is one of the things marriage licenses actually do)?

These statements are just words technically and have no legal bearing, but after watching the media reports the past week about his departure, I realized once again just how many people think this man is worth listening to.  I can only say "good riddance"!

Anyway...this is all coming from a man who has shielded pedophiles for years.  Why aren't people screaming in the streets for him to be arrested.  Is he still maintaining diplomatic immunity?  Don't even get me started on the white dress and red Dorothy slippers he wore everyday.  He's too old to continue being a "closet-case".

Enough on that...

Speaking of I've mentioned before, I consider myself Agnostic (look up the definition if you don't know...I'm tired of explaining it to people).  Caden on the other hand does not like the idea of saying "I don't know".  Typical 7 year old.  He says I have to choose between believing in some sort of religious practice - or not believing any of it.  He has chosen to say he doesn't believe.  I've tried  to let him know that he might have different experiences in the course of his life that will convince him to change that thought and it's OK.  He's not buying it.  Of course he does believe that if you lose one of your teeth on  a weekend, the tooth fairy will leave $2 under your pillow instead of the $1 you get for a weekday tooth loss.  The idea of the "immaculate conception" is just too absurd for him I guess.

We head out of town soon for two weeks in SE Asia.  Looking forward to Thailand and Cambodia.  Who knows...maybe I'll try this bloggy thing from there.

And have I mentioned lately how happy I am that Obama is still our President?