I'm still here. No need to continue the clamoring for this blog's return. It's back!
I've been trying to formulate some profound rambling on the issue of the repeal of DADT. ('bout time) I find myself beginning to type and the blood pressure rising with each keystroke. It's difficult to know where to even begin with this issue - but maybe it's just too simple and I'm only thinking it's difficult.
It really came to the forefront for me last week during the Republican debate (and I'm using the term "debate" very loosely here.). You've all seen the video by now - or maybe you saw it in real time like I did. The active duty soldier (who happened to by gay) raises the question about a "repeal" of the repeal. Rick Santorum proceeds to go off on some tangent that wasn't even coherent. A reasonable translation of his response was that he wants a completely "celibate" military. At least that's what you have to figure he's saying when he states that the military is no place for sexual activity. Huh? Hey Rick - people aren't joining the military to have sex! Gay or Straight! It was typical Rick Santorum. He's a walking cartoon character for leadership in the Republican party.
The booing of the soldier (is that how you spell it?) was further proof of what the Republican party is all about. Not one of the candidates on the stage slammed their fists on the lecterns to state their disgust with that behavior from the audience. And why should they? They weren't disgusted with it. They actually liked it. Pitiful!
But speaking of sexual activity in the military...just a little anecdote from me. I served 8 years. (No - not kicked out for being gay. Got out because I saw the writing on the wall...but I've digressed.) I saw no evidence of gay sexual activity during that time period. (since then I've learned it did go on. I just wasn't very observant.) I did however notice more than average amounts of adultery (which is also against military law. or at least it was while I was in.) It was almost expected activity for air crew members to have a "good time" while on TDY (temporary duty - normally far away from home/wives). Where was Rick Santorum during all of this?
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