I know. It's pathetic. Not just the salaciousness of the trial - but the fact that I followed it so closely. I'm not even sure why I'm mentioning it now. I sometimes just have to get things off my chest - and you never know when I'll blurt them out. I told Kevin a couple of weeks ago and he just stared at me. That's it - just a stare. No comment from him. (I'm hoping he just didn't hear me and felt no reason to ask me what I said.)
The whole group of players are a bunch of odd balls - and I'm obviously including John Edwards. I'm also including the daughter that showed up every day with him for the trial. Really Kate?
I know that we all make mistakes and lord knows I've made some - but I would never expect family or friends to have to show public support in the way that she did. You can still love your Dad, Kate...but please...show some integrity for your mom - or is there any left in that family.
I'm sure you also expected a much longer post on Obama's statement about his support for same-sex marriage. I actually thought his words said it all. It's nice to know that the person sitting in the oval office - thinks my relationship should be equal legally to his. I could have written for days about the ridiculousness of the reaction from the typical "anti" folks - but they didn't say anything new - so why even bother!
We're off to Bend this weekend. Thanks to friends/neighbors who are giving us the key to their house. I promise we won't break anything - or at least that we will replace whatever we do break.
Nine more days of school for Kindergarten year. That's nine more days of making Caden's lunch - until we start all over again in September.